Point-N-Click virtual mouse  Click for the Polital Enterprises Home Page





Point-N-Click is a FREE stand-alone on-screen virtual mouse designed for anyone with a disability that makes it difficult or impossible to click a physical computer mouse. As long as they can move a mouse, trackball or other pointing device, they can send mouse clicks to virtually any Windows application or DOS application that can run within a window and even many that are full screen.

Do you only need a little help?  Maybe you just have difficulty double clicking or switching to right clicking?  Try ClickAid mouse helper designed for anyone who has difficulty switching between mouse buttons or double clicking on a physical computer mouse. It will work with all mouse systems including head mice, tablet PCs, and touch screen devices.

Point-N-Click also acts as a companion product to Lake Software’s Click-N-Type.  It uses AutoMouse a feature similar to AutoClick for those who find clicking the mouse button difficult or impossible. 

Point-N-Click was designed with ease of use foremost in mind. Yes, it's FREE. No charge and no strings attached. 

The combination of Point-N-Click and Click-N-Type or other virtual keyboard will give the user complete freedom to use a computer. Accessing features like starting and closing programs, context menus and browser "Address:" fields, Email "To:" addresses, Email "Subject:" fields, dialog boxes like "Open" and "Save As...", and many other problematic applications. The user will even be able to play many games even if they run in full screen mode.  The main window is icon based and does not require reading skills or language translation. Even a young child can use it.

Point-N-Click is a Windows® application and runs on the following operating systems: Windows® 95/98/NT4.x/Me/2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7/WIndows 8/Windows 10/Windows 11/All windows systems supporting .NET 4.5

Please contact us at Polital Enterprises (Point-N-Click@polital.com) with your comments or questions.  We are interested in what you have to say.

Full Function Point-N-Click Form

Notice, the buttons are big so you can hit them.  Of course, when not in use Point-N-Click can be hidden so it's out of your way but ready to pop up with the sweep of the mouse pointer.


The form is user configurable so that if you don't need a function you don't have to see the button. 

Don't like the size?  Just resize it to what YOU need. 


Requirements: Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 and  .Net Framework 4.5. Works on all systems supporting .NET 4.5

[Download latest version NOW!]


Legacy systems (XP and older)[Download legacy version]





Simple Chinese Language Pack for Point-N-Click Net provided by Cosmo from China (Mainland).

Version -  Fixes problem with the Configuration form not being wide enough for some language packs to display all of the main menus items.

New Feature: Windows 10 support.  Requires .Net Framework 4.5  

  Known Issues:

Currently Point-N-Click is unable to send keys to programs that have been started by the User Account Control.  There are several ways to work-around this problem.  You may use any of them:

Looking for foreign language Language Packs?  You'll find several by clicking here.
Language Packs make Point-N-Click usable in languages other than English.


Help wanted!  

If you can translate from English to another language, have at least some understanding of configuring computers and are willing to donate your efforts to help others, 

we would be glad to hear from you.


Click here to see the part we are seeking help with.  Just Email us at Point-N-Click@polital.com.

Site Index

If you want to learn all you can about Point-N-Click simply continue scrolling through this page.  The following index is provided so you may quickly jump to various sections.  After visiting a section, you may use the "Back" button on your browser, or the [Return to Index] link at the end of each section, to return here.

Point-N-Click LogoWhy Point-N-Click:

Point-N-Click LogoAvailable Language Packs

Point-N-Click LogoDownloading and Installing Point-N-Click:

Point-N-Click LogoRemoving Point-N-Click

Point-N-Click LogoNew Features

Point-N-Click LogoLicense

Point-N-Click LogoSome Links to checkout

Point-N-Click LogoCan You Help?


Point-N-Click LogoWhy Point-N-Click
The creator of Click-N-Type is a long time friend and when we were told about the program and why it was written  . . .

"A friend has a sister who is a quadriplegic with some very limited use of her right hand and wrist.  That was just about enough to operate a Trackball and click her way through Internet browser links.  When it came time to type anything in, she was stuck.  Well, I spent more than a week searching for "Virtual keyboards."  After all, someone had to have written one that suited her needs.  Sure -  There were free ones, Shareware ones of all prices, and some commercial "Buy it now, see if it works later" programs.  With the exception of one Hardware solution that came in at not much less than $1K, they all had one thing in common.  Under most situations, they just didn't work!  After investigating a little more about how Win32 really worked, I decided to just write the darned thing and stop wasting time.  I also found it appalling to see how many people were trying to Stick-It-To the disabled for a product that would cost little or nothing if it wasn't targeted to people who really needed it."

. . . We agreed to do some testing.  While testing Click-N-Type on various Windows Operating Systems and seeing the obvious value of the AutoClick feature we decided to follow a good example and carry the concept one step further creating an AutoMouse feature making the computer even more accessible to the disabled.  Why should a severely disabled person be limited to only one program that someone else has to open for them?  Point-N-Click was born.

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Point-N-Click LogoAvailable Language Packs

Translate Menus and Messages:
Although the unmodified Point-N-Click was designed for a decidedly English speaking user community, the ability to change the displayed text of Menus and Messages, makes its use in other languages possible.  Translating all the text displayed by Point-N-Click is beyond the capability of Polital Enterprises.  This task should also not be left for the end user, but rather delegated to a "Translator."  Once the Translator has completed their job, a single resource file may be placed in the Point-N-Click Install Folder, and Point-N-Click will "speak" the new language.  Translators should read and follow the Help file instructions to translate the Messages-English.txt template provided with Point-N-Click.

Hopefully the lack of a language pack for a particular language will not present serious problems for the user since the main user interface is icon based and only the configuration program text needs translation.  The average user should have little reason to run the configuration program after the initial getting started configuration of AutoClick, AutoMouse, and Mouse Sensitivity.

Download Instructions For Language Packs: After downloading the language pack run it. It will install the Messages.txt in your Point-N-Click directory.  That's all there is to it.

We encourage anyone using the Message Translation feature to donate the files they've worked on, so others may benefit from an edition of Point-N-Click that functions in their language.  Below you will find:

Traditional Chinese Language Pack


Legacy Messages_Chinese.exe


Language Pack:

Traditional-Chinese (Includes Version 2.1 Support)  -
A Chinese edition of Point-N-Click is shown on the left.  Thanks to the translation efforts and generosity of Tsung-Che Wu of Taipei we can offer the Traditional-Chinese Language PackTsung-Che Wu can be reached at http://cproxomitron.cjb.net if you speak the language.  I guess you wouldn't be clicking around here if you didn't. *^_^*

Tsung-Che has not been able to complete the translation of the new parts of this Language Pack.  KM Chong at has come to the rescue and completed the translation.  Thank you.  Many people will be grateful.

Portions of this Language Pack are untranslated.

Simple Chinese Language Pack



Language Pack:

Simple-Chinese (Includes Version 2.1 Support)  -
A Simple Chinese edition of Point-N-Click is shown on the left.  Thanks to the translation efforts and generosity of Cosmo from China (Mainland) we can offer the Simple-Chinese Language Pack .  

Mexican Spanish Language Pack


Legacy Messages_Spanish.exe


Language Pack:

Mexican Spanish  -
A Mexican Spanish edition of Point-N-Click is shown on the left.  Thanks to the translation efforts and generosity of Eugenio Botello Jr. of México we can offer the Mexican Spanish Language PackEugenio Botello Jr. can be reached at if you speak the language.  I guess you wouldn't be clicking around here if you didn't. *^_^*

French Language Pack


Legacy Messages_French.exe


Language Pack:

French  -
A French edition of Point-N-Click is shown on the left.  Thanks to the translation efforts and generosity of André Delaunois  of Belgium we can offer the French Language Pack .  If you wish to reach  André Delaunois his email address is available in the Messages.txt file.  It will appear in the 'Help | About Point-N-Click' box after Messages.txt is installed.

Italian Language Pack


Legacy Messages_Italian.exe

Language Pack:

Italian  -
Marco Del Dottore from A.R.E.A. located in Turin, Italy, web site http://www.areato.org email have been nice enough to supply the translation.  A.R.E.A - is dedicated to providing useful links to software and hardware that aid Italian speaking people with help in communication and computer access.

Dutch Language Pack


 Legacy Messages_Dutch.exe


Language Pack:

Dutch  -
Thanks to the translation efforts and generosity of Paul Kavelaars from Holland we can offer the Dutch Language Pack.   His web site is http://members1.chello.nl/~p.kavelaarsPaul Kavelaars can be reached at .

Danish Language Pack


Legacy Messages_Danish.exe


Language Pack:

Danish  -
Thanks to the translation efforts and generosity of Gerd Nielsen from Denmark we can offer the Danish Language Pack.   Gerd Nielsen can be reached at .

Hungarian Language Pack


Legacy Messages_Hungarian.exe


Language Pack:

Hungarian  -
Thanks to the translation efforts and generosity of József Tamás Herczeg from Magyarország we can offer the Hungarian Language Pack.  József Tamás Herczeg can be reached at .

Finnish Language Pack


Legacy Messages_Finnish.exe


Language Pack:

Finnish  -
Thanks to the translation efforts and generosity of Juha Haukijärvi  of Finland we can offer the Finnish Language Pack .  If you wish to reach  Juha Haukijärvi the email address is available in the Messages.txt file.  It will appear in the 'Help | About Point-N-Click' box after Messages.txt is installed.

Portuguese Language Pack


Legacy Messages_Portuguese.exe


Language Pack:

Portuguese  -
Thanks to the translation efforts and generosity of Victor Biscaia  of Portugal we can offer the Portuguese Language Pack .  

German Language Pack


Legacy Messages_German.exe

Language Pack:

German  -
Thanks to the translation efforts and generosity of Michael  of Germany we can offer the German Language Pack .  

Russian Language Pack


Legacy Messages_Russian.exe

Language Pack:

Russian  -
Thanks to the translation efforts and generosity of Georgios Pambukidis we can offer the Russian Language Pack .   Georgios Pambukidis can be reached at if you speak the language. I guess you wouldn't be clicking around here if you didn't *^_^*

Greek Language Pack


Legacy Messages_Greek.exe


Language Pack:

Greek  -
Thanks to the translation efforts and generosity of Geogeo  of Greece we can offer the Greek Language Pack .  

Ukrainian Language Pack


Legacy Messages_Ukrainian.exe

Approximate Download time: 20 seconds with 56k modem

Language Pack:

Ukrainian  -
Thanks to the translation efforts and generosity of Max Harchenko  http://iphostmonitor.com of the Ukraine we can offer the Ukrainian Language Pack .  

Slovak Language Pack


Legacy Messages_Slovak.exe


Language Pack:

Slovak  -
Thanks to the translation efforts and generosity of Ivanka http://www.coupofy.com we can offer the Slovak Language Pack .  

Polish Language Pack


Legacy Messages_Polish.exe


Language Pack:

Polish  -
Thanks to the translation efforts and generosity of Krzysztof Poniecki we can offer the Polish Language Pack .   Krzysztof Poniecki can be reached at if you speak the language. I guess you wouldn't be clicking around here if you didn't *^_^*


Korean Language Pack


Language Pack:

Korean  -
Thanks to the translation efforts and generosity of ByRH from South Korea we can offer the Korean Language Pack .  

[Return To Index]

Point-N-Click LogoDownloading and Installing Point-N-Click for Windows 7,8,10 :

Version 3.0.0
Approximate size:  1.01 MB

Requires .NET Framework 4.5


The self extracting  installation files for both the latest version of Point-N-Click and the Help files.  

Note Well:  If you have the legacy version of Point-N-Click you do not need to uninstall it first.  These versions are completely independent. Any settings you have will not be available in the new version.

NOTE: If you see a warning window stating that “The publisher could not be verified” and asking “Are you sure you want to run this software?” The warning is displayed because we cannot afford to pay a substantial yearly fee to Verisign for digital signatures to ‘identify’ our software. Please understand that by downloading our software from our website you are getting more proof that this is our software than you would get from a digital signature. 

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Point-N-Click LogoDownloading and Installing Legacy Point-N-Click:

Legacy Point-N-Click
Version 2.10.7

For Windows XP and older
Approximate Download time: 6 1/2 minutes with 56k modem

The self extracting  installation files for both the latest version of Point-N-Click and the Help files.   We're really sorry about the size of this file, but it can't be helped.  Although most people already have most of the support files, We can't guarantee it.  So, even though the program is small, the installation package has to be this big.

Note: Wherever you install to, that directory should be empty before installing.  Note Well:  If you have installed a previous version of Point-N-Click that did not use the Installer2Go you MUST Remove it first.  All your settings will be remembered when you reinstall.

NOTE: If you install in Windows XP SP2 you may see a warning window stating that “The publisher could not be verified” and asking “Are you sure you want to run this software?” The warning is displayed because we cannot afford to pay a substantial yearly fee to Verisign for digital signatures to ‘identify’ our software. Please understand that by downloading our software from our website you are getting more proof that this is our software than you would get from a digital signature. 

NOTE Vista users you no longer have to be an "Administrator" to install or run Point-N-Click. However, you need to have "Administrator" Privileges to install Point-N-Click . If your account is a "Standard User", Vista will prompt you for an Administrator/Password to use while installing. If your account is already an "Administrator", you will simply be prompted to "Allow" the installation to continue. 

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Point-N-Click LogoVersion

Fixes problem with the Configuration form not being wide enough for some language packs to display all of the main menus items.

Point-N-Click LogoVersion

Fixes problems with macros and removes references to VB6 compatible file operations

Point-N-Click LogoVersion 3.0.1:

Fixes problems with Keyboard Shortcuts

Point-N-Click LogoVersion 3.0.0:

Full support of Windows 7, 8, 10. Requires .NET Framework 4.5

Point-N-Click LogoVersion 2.10.7:

Fixes the form layout when the Exit button is not displayed on the form.

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Point-N-Click Logo
Removing Point-N-Click:

Follow the instructions below to smoothly remove Point-N-Click from your system.  Note:  If you are upgrading to a newer version of Point-N-Click, you MUST follow these instructions to remove it before reinstalling the new version on your system.  All your previous settings will be remembered when you reinstall.

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Point-N-Click LogoNew Features:

Note:  If you are upgrading to a newer version of Point-N-Click from version 2.3.x or older, you MUST remove the old version before installing the new version on your system.  All your previous settings will be remembered when you reinstall. When upgrading from newer versions of Point-N-Click it is not necessary to uninstall the old version first.

New FeaturesPoint-N-Click version 3.0.2

Point-N-Click version 3.0.1 

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Point-N-Click version 3.0.0 

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Point-N-Click version 2.10.1 

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Point-N-Click version 2.6.7 

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Point-N-Click version 2.5.6 

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The following fixes and new features have been added to Point-N-Click version 2.5.4.  

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The following fixes and new features have been added to Point-N-Click version 2.4.28.  

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The following fixes and new features have been added to Point-N-Click version 2.4.18.  

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The following fixes have been added to Point-N-Click version 2.4.11.  There are no new features in this version.

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The following fixes and new features have been added to Point-N-Click version 2.4.3

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The following additions have been added to Point-N-Click version 2.3

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The following fixes have been added to Point-N-Click version 2.2.19

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The following features have been added to Point-N-Click version 2.2.18

 [Return To Index]


The following fixes have been added to Point-N-Click version 2.1.14

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The following fixes have been added to Point-N-Click version 2.1.13

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The following fixes and additions have been added to Point-N-Click version 2.1.12

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The following fixes and additions have been added to Point-N-Click version 2.1.10

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The following fixes and additions have been added to Point-N-Click version 2.1

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The following fixes and additions have been added to Point-N-Click version 2.  

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Point-N-Click LogoPoint-N-Click Freeware License:
And now having said all that, you can read our obligatory Legal Notice by clicking here.

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Point-N-Click LogoSome Links to check out:     

Disability Resource Directory - Disability Resource Guide to the Internet

Closing The Gap - Computer Technology in Special Education and Rehabilitation

Families of SMA - Families of Spinal Muscula Atrophy on-line information and resource center

The CTS  Place - Site devoted to people with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Trace Research and Development Center - Designing a More Usable World for All

March-Of-Faces - Site devoted to people with ALS and their caregivers.

TetraMouse - Low-cost, no-hands, precision, full function mouth (lips or tongue operated) mouse.

Accessibility - Computer and Software Accessibility for the Disabled by Lisa Richards

Grants for Home Modifications: 16 Resources for Homeowners with Disabilities - suggested by PublicHealthCorps.

The Room-by-Room HomeFit Tour - suggested by PublicHealthCorps.

Home Remodeling for People with Disabilities: What You Need to Know - suggested by PublicHealthCorps.

Tips for Parents of Children with Disabilities Who Want Them to Succeed in School - suggested by PublicHealthCorps.

The Guide to Securing Life-Long Accommodations for Adult Children with Special Needs - suggested by PublicHealthCorps.

Substance Abuse Among Physically Disabled Individuals - suggested by PublicHealthCorps.

The Guide to Buying Used Accessible Vehicles - suggested by PublicHealthCorps.

Children with Aspergers: Developing Social Skills at Home and School - suggested by PublicHealthCorps.

Link To completelyfreesoftware.com

Link To SofoTex.com

Link to NoBuck$ Freeware Connection

Link To BumperSoft - Software for Persons with Disabilities

Link to FiberDownload.com

Link To Only Freeware

Directory of free stuff - Prospector!


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